Towing Training Northampton

Towing Training Northampton

Many people have reason to tow a trailer or a caravan. For some people this is as part of a leisure activity. Perhaps you have invested in a caravan, and you are looking forward to your first relaxed weekend away. You may have a hobby that involves towing a specific item or piece of equipment, like a motor boat or a trailer with motorbikes or an off road quad bike. For other people, it is because of their job. Perhaps you work as a landscape gardener, and need a trailer to carry your heavy tools. Many window cleaners are also starting to use trailers as a way to move the tank of purified water if they use the pole system. A third group of people falls between these first two groups. They are the teachers, club leaders and sports coaches who volunteer their time to tow the club kayaks or the trailer of camping equipment so that their group can enjoy fun activities.
Whatever reason you have to be towing a trailer or caravan, you should take advantage of the best towing training Northampton has to offer. It is a great way of giving you the confidence that you need, as well as keeping you and other road users safe. For the best choice in towing training, Northampton drivers can rely on the top quality service provided by Martin Shelley Drive & Tow Ltd. Martin provides a full range of courses and bespoke options in the towing training Northampton drivers need.
For complete beginners, towing training is a great way to build confidence. You may be surprised to realise how different towing a caravan or trailer can feel. No matter the power of your vehicle, having a trailer attached to the back changes the performance of the vehicle. For example, the acceleration and the braking of your vehicle will be different. Turning and changing lanes also requires a different amount of space and a changed awareness of your vehicle’s surroundings. The weather can also change your driving experience with a trailer, especially with windy conditions.
Another area where you will need confidence is in reversing. For drivers who are new to towing, reversing can be an intimidating experience. This can be made worse if your first attempts are with a group of friends in the vehicle or other experienced caravan owners looking on. Why not take away the stress by enjoying the high quality, relaxed towing training Northampton drivers have available to them? Learn in a quiet, calm environment where an expert can help you to learn how to control a trailer in reverse.
Of course, for some drivers more is needed than just the confidence and skill to start training. If you need to tow a larger trailer, or you have a professional role, you probably need to get your B&E licence. Martin Shelley Drive & Tow Ltd can provide you a bespoke option in B&E training as well as help passing the test. For more information about the best towing training Northampton has to offer, contact Martin today