Trailer Tests

At Martin Shelley Drive & Tow Ltd, we offer training to people who want to learn how to tow a trailer behind their car. All of the professional training service we offer is geared towards helping the people who come to us pass a test, which will get them their license. This is the B&E license, and it’s a test carried out by the DVLA. You have to contact them if you want to book a test. But before you do that, you should learn a bit about how the tests operate and what will be expected of you during those tests.

If you use our services, you will be trained to do all the things that will be tested when the time comes to take your test with the DVLA. You will be taught by Martin Shelley, who has been doing this work for many years and knows these skills inside out. That means you will be able to get all the skills and knowledge that will be expected from you. It will make you much more likely to pass the test and get your hands on the B&E license you need. We offer our training services to all kinds of individuals and businesses in the Northamptonshire area.

So, what’s included in the B&E testing process? For a start, you will be asked a range of safety questions that you will need to provide accurate answers to. There are usually 5 such questions, and each question you get wrong will result in a fault. And if all 5 are answered incorrectly, you will sustain a serious fault. You will also be asked to carry out an off-road reverse manoeuvre. It might sound tricky now, but it’s not as difficult as you might imagine once you have been given the right training.

On top of all that, you will be asked to carry out a coupling and uncoupling of the trailer. As long as you know how to do this safely without missing out any of the relevant steps, you should have no problems with that. And then you will be asked to drive on the road will the assessor observes how you drive and handle a real-world driving scenario. You won’t be asked to do things like carrying out emergency stops or reversing around a corner. Many people expect these things to be tested, but that doesn’t happen.

We offer training services that will help you get through the B&E license testing process with no hiccups at all. You just need to get in touch with us today and let us know what kind of training you want and how you want to push forward. We can take it all at a pace that suits you best. And we can focus on the aspects of towing that you’re least sure of or want to learn more about. You can find more about the company, as well as what our contact details are, by visiting our website and doing some reading there.